Multi-Vendor Plus - Lifetime

16495.00 PLN

(Price without tax)

(20288.85 PLN inc tax for Polish only
- for abroad tax will be reduced
after providing the address)

One of the best Marketplace systems on the Polish market

Fee for annual hosting
Domain(s) installation separated comma
Our advantages
  • — free installation on hosting selected by customer
  • — additional add-ons for free from our library
  • — 3 months of technical support via e-mail and phone
  • — competitive prices, attractive discounts
  • — quick and competent technical support
  • — installation in 24 hours
vps z directadmin
Payment options

Multi-Vendor Plus is a special version of the Multi-Vendor software of the marketplace system and enables the creation of a trading platform for independent vendors or a virtual shopping mall with separate departments, where many vendors can manage the sale of their products through a single online store.

Multi-Vendor Plus is the perfect solution for every online business, from a small store to a large market. Everything you need for a quick start and dynamic development is in this place. Multi-Vendor Plus has been enriched with new unique functionalities that give even greater opportunities to develop business on the Internet.

Licence to Multi-Vendor Plus is unlimited,

the fee for the program is one-time payment

When you buy Multi-Vendor Plus, you will get:



We invite you to see the possibilites of Multi-Vendor Plus:


Mobile app for customers (source code paid separately)

Give your customers mobile app, similar to the ones Amazon or eBay has. Customers can visit your store, add products to cart or wishlist, and pay for it using PayPal Express Checkout. All changes are synced between app and store. You can adjust color and logo of your app. When it will be ready, we'll upload it to Google Play and App Store and we'll take care of updating it.

Vendors promotions

Another functionality linked to add-on Direct payments to vendors. Vendors can create their own catalog & cart promotions for their stores, which may lead to huge sales increase.

Common products

Vendors are often selling the same product, and customer may be surprised if he'll see multiple similar products when searching. You can create a base of common products and share it with vendors, without letting them add their own products. Vendors will be able to set only price, amount and shipping of such products. This way you'll avoid duplicates in your marketplace.

Category commissions

Some products have a very low margin. If your store commissions are high, vendors won't sell those products because they won't gain any profit. Category commissions solves this problem - set high commission for high margin products, and low commission for low margin products.

Advanced vendor access restrictions

Remove vendor's access to certain parts of the store, for example the ones that are unused. For example, software key selling vendor does not need shipping methods, so we can hide them. This functionality also adds special group of administrators - Vendors.

Split order placement

This functionality is a part of an add-on Direct payments to vendors. It allows to place order separately for each vendor. Vendors are creating their own payment methods, and full payment sum is transferred to their account. With this system, it's vendor responsibility to pay you a commission for their orders.

Theme editor for vendors

Another tool for vendors, allowing them to modify their micro-store, so it will look different than others. Vendors can change colors, backgrounds and fonts using built-in editor, without need to learn HTML or CSS.

One store, multiple vendors

In Multi-Vendor, products from independent vendors are stored in common products catalog and allow customers to make shopping in one store, even if products are delivered by hundreds of vendors from entire world.

Seperate administration panel for each vendor

Each vendor has seperate administration panel to manage custom settings and products. His actions are independent from other vendors actions. You can assign categories to vendor, where he will store his products, and you can set vendor commision.

Flexible Product Approval System

Make product management simple and efficient. In Multi-Vendor, product approval is flexible and handy at the same time.

Besides, you can choose either to approve product updates or let vendors update product details without moderation.

Configurable Vendor Plans

With vendor plans, commissions are pre-set for each plan, and a new vendor just picks the most suitable option. The vendor plans functionality will save you from troubles with setting commissions for vendors manually.

Earn extra with vendor monthly payments. In the Multi-Vendor system, you can create subscription plans for vendors with different conditions and limitations. Vendor plans is a flexible tool that helps you increase your revenue.

Advanced promotion add-on

Easily create offers targeted for your customers. Each offer can be adusted to certain case and directed to selected group of customers.

You can create promotions for product catalog, and ones that will appear in cart during order placement.

Import & export data

Use tools for managing CSV and XML (products) files, to import & export products, categories, customers data, and many more. Fields mapping interface allows importing file with any columns setup, and modify data during imports using conditional instructions.

Advanced product variations

Multi-Vendor gives you powerful tool to control products: creating product variations, managing their prices, images, stocks and weight modifiers.
Product variations are basing on features. You can generate all possible combinations of product variations, so customers will be able to adjust it to their needs. If any variation of the product is unavailable, just disable it.

Customize Your Storefront in Real Time

With the built-in theme editor, you can change your storefront background, color scheme, fonts, and more directly on site.

Choose one of the default design presets or create your own unique style. No HTML or CSS knowledge required!

200+ Beautiful Storefront Themes

Change look and feel of your store with different storefront themes that are easy to install and select in Multi-Vendor admin panel.

Marketplace offers over 200 beautiful storefront themes to fit every taste.

Adjust store to mobile devices

Each blok in the store can be moved, changed or deleted. You have full control over your store layout.

You can also disable certain blocks for selected devices, so you can display ex. different banners for customers using smartphones and computers.

Quick order placement

Use new form of order placement and increase sales in your store!

Instead of passing through four steps of order placement, customer inputs his address, shipping method and payment method on one page.

New order placement form is also dully customizable - you can change the order of the fields or remove some of them completely.


Access rights for administrators

Multi-Vendor gives you full control over access rights for administrators.

You can freely change access for each administrator, which increases safety, decreases risk of making a mistake, and simplifies work with admin panel.

Each group of administrators can have his own set of rights, with ability to set them into read-only mode.

Logging through social media

Shorten the customers shopping process by allowing them to log in through social media platofrms.

Multi-Vendor supports logging in through most popular services, like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.



Create your own blog in store!

In blog, you can post things related to your company's business, or inform about promotion and new products in your store.

You can publish link to your blog in social media, to increase interest for your store.

Logging to administration panel through Google

Increase safety of your store, using advanced authentication mechanisms provided by Google.

All administrators will be able to log into administration panel using their Google accounts, without need to use any additional passwords.


Access to store API

Use API of your Multi-Vendor store to automatize working with administration panel, or to integrate your store with external applications.

Through API you can execute any operations possible through admin panel - download and modify products, change order statuses, create new administrators.

Every store administrator can have API access active or disabled. We also have an add-on which enables precise modifying API access for each administrator: Learn more

Store compliance with GDPR

Use agreements available in Multi-Vendor, to prepare all documents related to personal data processing, necessary to obey the rules defined in GDPR.

You can freely modify text of each agreement, so it will be compliant with current law.


Stores and pick-up points location

Let your customers pick-up their products, instead of sending it to them!

During shipping method configuration, you can define locations from which customer can select one where he wants to pick-up his product.

You can type locations manually or use Google Maps widget. You'll need development key to use Google Maps API.

Buy together

Encourage your customer to shop in your store by creating sets of products.

Customer will get a discount if he'll purchase all products from set. Discount and sets can be configured in administration panel, during product creation.

You can discount each product separately, or give discount for entire set. It can be percent or flat.


Returns and complaints (RMA)

After completing order, customer can return is or place a complaint. Managing complaints and returns is easy and intuitive.

You don't have to make multiple phone calls to your customer, to take care of one complaint.


Contact us for a price

(Price without tax)

Save 25%
1995.00 PLN 1495.00 PLN

(Price without tax)

(1838.85 PLN inc tax for Polish only
- for abroad tax will be reduced
after providing the address)
875.00 PLN

(Price without tax)

(1076.25 PLN inc tax for Polish only
- for abroad tax will be reduced
after providing the address)
Payment methodOne-time payment
875.00 PLN

(Price without tax)

(1076.25 PLN inc tax for Polish only
- for abroad tax will be reduced
after providing the address)
Payment methodOne-time payment
Contact us for a price

(Price without tax)


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