Restrict content on pages only for registered users
- — 12 months guarantee for all our add-ons
- — add-ons sold to entire world
- — stable, flexible, high-quality products
- — competitive prices, attractive discounts
- — quick and competent technical support
- — installation in 24 hours
- — personalized solutions - we'll write any add-on for you
Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows restricting view of parts of page to unregistered users, without blocking entire page.
We start from installation of an extension
In add-on configuration we can select, how hidden text should be marked and what should replace it.
During page edition, use markers defined in add-on configuration to mark texts which won't show to unregistered users.
When customer visits page in store, not logged user will see the selected replacement - in this case it is a link to log in form.
Logged users see entire page without any restrictions.
Add-on also allows blurring texts for unregistered users. In this example, text will be replace with lines of dashes.
Unregistered user sees only part of text, and rest is blurred. It is especially useful functionality if you want to show customer, how much text he can see if he logs in.
We invite you to shopping!
- CS-Cart
- Multi-Vendor
- 4.18.x
- 4.17.x
- 4.16.x
- 4.15.x
- 4.14.x
- 4.13.x
- 4.12.x
- 4.11.x
- 4.10.x
- 4.9.x
- 4.8.x
- 4.7.x
- 4.6.x
- 4.5.x
- 4.4.x
- 4.3.x
- 4.2.x
- 4.1.x
- 4.0.x
- No changes
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