Copy translations between languages
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows copying translations from one language to all others in store.
We start from installation of an extension:
In add-on configuration we can select languages, from which translations will be possible to copy.
During product edition, if currently selected languages is defined in add-on configuration, a new option will appear under the rack. It copies all translations from selected language (in this case English) to all others (Polish and German).
When other language is selected, option is not present.
We invite you to shopping!
- Multi-Vendor
- 4.18.x
- 4.17.x
- 4.16.x
- 4.15.x
- 4.14.x
- 4.13.x
- 4.12.x
- 4.11.x
- 4.10.x
- 4.9.x
- 4.8.x
- 4.7.x
- 4.6.x
- 4.5.x
- 4.4.x
- 4.3.x
- 4.2.x
- 4.1.x
- 4.0.x
- No changes
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